Already June... I am zinging this month because of daring to go to a School Reunion, meeting old classmates after half a lifetime. I know I wasn't the only one who was slightly nervous but it was a really joyous and confirming occasion. Very nourishing. I found myself smiling and smiling in celebration of all these wonderful women (it used to be an all girls' school), who had weathered all sorts of interesting and varied life experiences to meet up again in our now almost unrecognizable school grounds.
It is of course an exercise in confronting the aging process but that wasn't as awful one might think - because what really struck me was how attractive and appealing all these women were. Some were regal, others vivacious. They were kind, compassionate, interested, engaged. All people I would like to spend time with. All people with rich and interesting life experiences. And all people with whom I shared some of my most formative years. Some I had forgotten but as I spent time with them the memories came flooding back and it was really such a joy.
Also not to be overlooked was a precious conversation with my old geography teacher who must now be in her 80s at least, and yet who remembered every single one of my family who attended that school. I suddenly realized with a flood of warmth that all through my life there were these invisible people who touched me, as she did in my teens, and who were sporadically, occasionally, remembering me and wishing me well. And of course I too was doing and can do that service for others.
I went home, lay on the bed, and, without planning to, thought and thought and sent good wishes to all these women, going through each at once and all together. May they all be really happy. How glad I am to have found them again.