Wednesday, 31 July 2013

curly leaf parsley

curly leaf parsley
after the first straight-edged leaves
the frill of the third

Tuesday, 23 July 2013


I woke up so early today, was it the light? the lack of thunder? the newly harvested, and new to me, aloe vera gel that I smeared on my hands yesterday from one of my many aloe plants. typing now i can see the sunrise colours reflected in soft pastel cream pinks and blue in the west - reflection sunrises can be the best... living backwards!

Tuesday, 9 July 2013

cabbage fame

My little cabbage poem is going further, not only has it been read, on a cabbage, in Manchester and Malvern to rave reviews,, and featured on, but now it is going to North Carolina to Piedmont Community College where as we speak Ginger Ferrell is painting it into a picture for her community class. Here is some of her previous work:

Where will the cabbage roll to next?
And what is it about cabbages that has this effect? Is it the glow?

Anyway I think the poem deserves a space on this blog as well

                     taken apart, the cabbage
                     becomes all heart
                     and leaves

Wednesday, 3 July 2013

digging and polishing

writing with novelist in house for the week (what a great idea), she is steeping herself deep in an ancient world reading revising writing polishing as I tunnel through my poem drafts, punctuated by teas, coffees, cafe visits and a trip to tadpole tarn, while workmen dig up my messy tarmacked path to create a smooth flagstone walkway - days of busyness