Sunday 28 August 2016

Starting again - white mist

This is a weird one, written before my last post, but lost or so I thought, I now find it and they go together - both attempts at starting again on consecutive days so here is its airing:

inspired by a recent comment on this lapsed blog, I am going to try again. Can I create a different sort of writing space here, separate from the work wheel of deadlines, or the commissioned creative projects? Don't know but will give it a go.It's very damp today and white fog has descended on Tod so am looking forward to a cool morning run with beautifully-cloaked scenery to half-see - how not seeing, not quite seeing, enhances even the most stunning of views. Is what we like the reveal itself, the participation in discovery, the pioneer moment, like that ploughing of turf never touched before by man or woman....?

starting again - peripheries

Inspired to start again by a recent kind comment on my last two-year-old post. There are beautiful views on either side of this table where I sit typing. On my left the hill falls away in tufted grass towards the little town below and rises up again as woodland to the tops, On my right steps lead past my neighbour's carefully-tended vegetables and my rampantly grassy bank (I can't see that from here but I know it is there, can almost hear it growing) graced by an occasional berry bush. But it is all too easy to pour all my concentration into this little blinking screen, blinking so fast I don't see it. Is there a way of doing both? Is there a way of engaging on the net and being in the present now? Awareness of breath, of tiring fingers (threatened RSI helps motivate this particular awareness) - but also awareness of that soft light on either side, on the periphery. Enjoying the periphery as periphery. What Edward Thomas's poems were nearly all intent upon of course.....